
A return to writing

Planted June 22, 2024

Originally, I began my portfolio / blog site back in 2021 towards the beginning of my career. However, I only ever attempted to write a few times, as I was never really been one to put content out in the open. As I continue to grow in my career, I have began to realize how important it is to write things down. Not just ones thoughts, but also learn how to explain things clearly. This is when I stumbled upon the concept of the digital garden. And it made perfect sense. As I learn new things, explore new concepts, or just want to share some thoughts or ideas, I can write these down in a permenant way and allow my knowlege (or garden) to be shared to anyone who wants to see it. I see this as a win-win to both improve my written communication and allowing myself an outlet for sharing information that I have collected.

So this begins the start of my digital garden. Similar to my physical garden at home that I have started, it begins small, but will continue to grow and flourish as long as I provide the proper attention. My hope is that I can continue to share my ideas and learnings at a consistent frequency.

Early Garden